Thursday, April 30, 2009

Toni and Dean

Toni is from New Zealand and Dean is from England. They started in BC and have been traveling for the last year across Canada. We have had some nice sunny days and they have been getting lots of farm work done. The goats' pen is cleaned; that took 3 days. Many trees came down over the winter and all of the brush is getting burnt. In the process we are clearing land to build another pen for the goats. One more month to go and we will have kids running around.

Van Der Geer

The Van Der Geer family stopped in today from Holland. They were a happy laughing bunch. I wish I knew Dutch so I could understand what was so funny, but I laughed anyway. Willem, Dick, Jannie, Colinda, Bob, and Max.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Goat Bellies Are Growing

By the beginning of June kids should be arriving. I say "should" because no one can predict when they will be here. Last time Hana had her kids three weeks early and the time before we waited 2 weeks longer for the kids to arrive. The goats are lying down more and more every day as their stomachs are getting bigger and bigger.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring and Body Powder

Spring is here and we have been busy making new products for the 2009 season. A complete new line of products is our Nature Body Powder. We combine arrowroot powder, cornstarch, rice flour and essential oils to make 4 different scents. A lot of Body Powders have talcum in them, which is an effective absorbent, helps deodorize, and imparts a silky touch, but is not healthy to breathe because it often contains traces of asbestos.
Ours is talcum free.

Jacinthe started on her way back to Quebec. She is such a pleasant person to be around. She had a wonderful smile.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Bonjour! Je suis Jacinthe, je viens du Quebec et je suis wwoofeuse chez Em depuis dimanche. Le travail ici est diversifie et vraiment interressant. C'est un bel endroit pour en apprendre plus sur la fabrication du savon et de produits pour le corps. Jusqu'a maintenant, j'ai travaille dans la "soap shop", surtout pour fabriquer des produits, et un peu d'empaquetage, etiquettage, etc, etc. Tres agreable d'y travailler parce que ca sent toujours tres tres bon! Et puis je prends aussi soin des chevres tout les jours. Je suis justement, dans la video, en train de defaire une balle ronde de foin, livree dernierement pour l'abriter dans la grange. Et puis la famille est tres gentille et les enfants adorables. Je crois bien que je vais passer deux excellentes semaines de wwoofing!