Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thank You Emily

It is so lovely to hear my soap continues to help people with sensitive skin. Handmade soap is great for your skin but when you add goat's milk it superfats the soap. Superfatting equals moisturizing.

HearAboutUs: My father\'s family is from Nova Scotia, and every 5 years or so we have a family reunion on PEI. This past summer (August 2007) we were there and some of us stopped into the shop. I bought a number of bars of soap and I loved them! I have very sensitive skin and I\'ve found that it\'s one of the few soaps I\'ve ever used that leaves my skin feeling clean and not irritated. I\'m on my last bar and so I thought I\'d see if you all have a website that I could order from, and you do! So yes... I\'m trying to replenish my stock of soap :)

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