Friday, November 14, 2008

Anne McGlynn-Chiason question

From Anne (with an "e")
Good day;

Could you please tell me your hours for the fall? My daughter will be going to PEI on Oct. 25th and I'd like her to stop in and get me some of your soap/shampoo.

Big question: What would you recommend (shampoo wise) for psoriases on the scalp. I am just now (a little slow in my old age --teehee) discovering the harmful effects of SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulphate) on the skin. It is very difficult to find any shampoo that does not have it.

So this morning I looked at the bottle of soap I bought at your place this past summer, "Revitalizing" Liquid Goat's milk hand and body soap, and it is SLS free. YEAH!!! So I used it to shampoo my hair. Now I want to try the real deal - shampoo!

I look forward to your reply.

Anne McGlynn-Chiasson
(I also stayed in one of your cabins in July)

To anwers your first question Anne we are open Tuesday to Saturday 9 AM to 5.PM

Sodium Laureth Sulphate is a forming agent in most shampoos and body wash on the market today. It stripes your skin of the natural oils and leaves your skin dry and itchy. Here is the link to wikippedia to read more about SLS

The shampoos we make are a goat's milk shampoo bar and goat's milk liquid soap that can be used on your hair.
The shampoo bar scents are rosemary and lavender, geranium and lavender and tea tree and peppermint. The geranium and lavender would be the best for your psoriases. Personally I like the hard bars to shampoo my hair. It takes a few extra seconds to lather but it last longer then the liquid soap. It also feels old fashion.
If you would perfer a liquid check our webstore at for the different scents.

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