Thursday, November 13, 2008

Curves "I feel better inside and out"

One month ago I started to go to Curves a women’s gym. I usually walk or run in the mornings but I was finding it very hard to motivate myself to get out of bed. Being at my highest weight ever in my life I needed to do something. I had to commit to a year of monthly payments, which I don’t like. If I get hurt or really don’t like it or don’t have the time I still have to pay. So far the gamble was been worth it. I feel very comfortable there exercising with no over powering muscle bondwomen or men that I would be confronted with at other gyms. The entire teams of instructor are very supportive and caring. Janice is there most times I go and she always was a joke to share. Every month you get weigh and measured and I lost 1 pound so far but the amazing thing is I lost 4 inches. I would highly recommend Curves if you need that little extra support to get out and move your body. It feels good and it is good for you.

1 comment:

Joanie said...

Way to go! It's great that you've made a commitment to yourself and your body! I hope you keep it up.